On December 21, 1988 terrorists waged an attack on America. A bomb they planted on a Boeing 747 that was flying from London to New York exploded in the night sky above Lockerbie, Scotland. All 259 people aboard Pan Am Flight 103 and eleven on the ground were murdered.
The Attack Timeline details exactly what happened on that December day, the events that foreshadowed the attack to come, the response on the ground after, memorial efforts, and the collective action of grieving family members in the year following.
The attack on Pan Am 10...
After staging a coup d’état, Gaddafi becomes the de facto leader of Libya. D...
In this first military dispute between the United States and Libya, the U.S....
After years of escalated tensions between Libya and the U.S., a bomb explode...
Nine days after the nightclub bombing, President Reagan retaliates. One of t...
Gaddafi hired a group of Palestinian terrorists to carry out the plot. The j...
While on patrol protecting Kuwaiti oil ships, the USS Vincennes launches two...
FAA inspects the security operations in the Frankfurt Airport and finds “ver...
West German police break up a cell of the Popular Front for the Liberation o...
Authorities disseminate information detailing the Toshiba Bombeat bomb devic...
The FAA warns American air carriers flying overseas of the potential threat ...
The U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, Finland, receives an anonymous phone call warn...
A Libyan man named Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi purchases an umbrella and a child's jumpsuit in a shop called Mary’s House in Malta. The jumps...
After the Helsinki threat, the FAA issues a warning to all U.S. commercial carriers to step up security measures. Pan Am had already been alerted ...
William Kelly, the Moscow U.S. embassy administrative counselor, drafts a memo addressed to “All Embassy Personnel” and posted on the staff ...
The six-point advisory warned that the explosive device would be difficult to detect and listed the key bomb indicators to look for in X-rays. The...
Hours before take-off 243 passengers arrive at Heathrow Airport. Many are tr...
The Boeing 747 known as The Clipper Maid of the Seas arrives at Hea...
Luggage is transferred onto the flight without being screened, including a s...
6:27 pm GMT: The Clipper Maid of the Sea pushes off from the termin...
6:58 pm GMT: PA103 establishes two-way radio contact with Shanwick Oceanic A...
7:02:44 pm GMT: Clipper Maid of the Seas fails to acknowledge ocean...
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary take charge of the initial response. Loca...
2:00 am GMT: Boyd convenes first meeting of investigators. He stresses the n...
Thousands flock to Lockerbie to search for survivors and locate victims of t...
Several groups claimed responsibility for the bombing of Pan Am 103. One caller claimed the "Guardians of the Islamic Revolution had destroyed the...
First group of American family members arrive in Lockerbie to identify their...
After days of silence, President Reagan publicly acknowledges the attack.
An 845-square-mile area around Lockerbie is divided into eleven sections lab...
Volunteers from Lockerbie set up and staffed canteens, which stayed open 24 ...
Investigators, military responders, and volunteer recovery workers continue ...
Families are given minimal information about progress in the recovery and in...
The Department of Transport's Air Accidents Investigation Branch announces t...
Over 700 mourners, including 200 American family members, gather for a servi...
More than 15,000 people attend. The Syracuse University Pan Am 103 Memorial Services has become an annual event.
While attending the first Syracuse University memorial service, victims' families form the support group Victims of Pan Am Flight 103 to learn the...
Over 600 mourners attend.
Symbolic service held in Lockerbie for the 17 victims who were not recovered...
In early February 1989, Lockerbie searchers discover three small pieces of a radio cassette recorder identical to the Toshiba Bombeat. Soon a...
Over 65 attend and speak out against the bombing and express frustration ove...
VPAF103 meet in New Jersey after an informal meeting earlier that month. Between 50-60 families attended after realizing they would need to organi...
Members of the VPAF103 testify before the Senate Transportation Appropriatio...
Afterwards, the memorial and demonstration, several meet with President Geor...
Lockerbie resident Stuart Murray establishes Lockerbie Air Disaster Friendsh...
In late July of 1989, searchers in Lockerbie locate a swath of fabric from a baby jumper with a manufacturer's label that is traced to Malta. Fore...
In August of 1989, investigators travel to Malta and confirm that the jumpsuit was manufactured there. They determine that it was likely purchased...
Families meet as a part of a monthly protest that they hold the 21st of ever...
The International French airline passenger flight operating from Brazzaville in the People's Republic of the Congo to Charles de Gaulle Airport in...
Two memorial events are held in Lockerbie, Scotland. Local clergy dedicate a...
A year after the attack, the families' quest for justice and accountability was just beginning. The questions of who did this? and how could this happen? remained unanswered for years. Many in the government were content to move on without bringing those responsible to justice. Nor did they implement needed changes to a weak aviation security system to assure more Americans would not be murdered.
On Sept. 11, 2001, a group of 19 terrorists walked onto American aircraft–mostly unchecked–overtook the planes, and used them as w...
Give voice to your unique story about how the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America impacted your life. Preserve your memories and legacy by helping to create the most extensive curated digital library of personal Pan Am 103 Lockerbie stories for our Historical Archives.