Nose Cone Pan Am Flight 103

Mass Murder in the Sky: Terrorists Bomb Pan American Flight 103

The Attack

Days before Christmas 1988, a U.S.-flagged commercial passenger jetliner, flying from London to New York, exploded at 31,000 feet, scattering 259 people and the remains of the Boeing 747 over 845 square miles. Neighborhoods in Lockerbie, Scotland, were set ablaze, killing 11 people on the ground. This attack continues to be the oldest cold case of mass murder in U.S. and UK history and the 2nd deadliest terrorist attack against America

Attack Timeline

Terrorists have targeted the United States for decades. These threats remain constant today. Thematic Timelines, representing five essential and distinct perspectives, will detail the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America, as well as related events, in a way that readers can understand the causes and effects.

To factually codify our history, primary-source documentation will be included in the form of milestones, using narratives, images, and multimedia. Thematic historical timelines will independently explore The Attack on Pan American Flight 103; Aviation Safety & Security; Flyers’ & Victims’ Rights vs. Business as Usual; Activism; Quest for Justice & Accountability; and Terrorism, War & Petro-Aggression. 

Timeline Graphic

Thematic Timelines

Airplane Loading

Aviation Safety and Security

What you need to know before booking a flight: Flyers’ seat space shrinks to unsafe evacuation sizes. FAA does not enforce minimum space requirements for people as it does for animals. Travelers sit on tons of unchecked cargo.


Justice and Accountability

Why did it take the U.S. 34 years to arrest, and have yet to prosecute, its' first suspect in the mass murder of 190 Americans? U.S. law enforcement have an obligation and jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute crimes on board U.S. aircraft, regardless of location. 

USS Vincennes

Terrorism, War, and Petro Aggression

The century-old global quest for oil domination has seen governments overthrown, political violence, international terrorism and war.

Flyers Rights

Flyers' Rights vs. Business as Usual

The federal government has long subsidized and protected civil aviation and the oil industry over the public interest. Read how it's done and about the lives it has cost.

Your story is our history

Give voice to your unique story about how the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America impacted your life. Preserve your memories and legacy by helping to create the most extensive curated digital library of personal Pan Am 103 Lockerbie stories for our Historical Archives.

Explore Further

Daily Mail Cover

Historical Archives: Curated Collections

Drew Young Participate

Legacy Story Library

Living Memorial Collage

Living Memorial

Lockerbie Then & Now

Lockerbie: A Lesson in Humanity

Group of Young Volunteers
