In an instant a terrorist bomb destroyed a U.S. flagged airplane flying London to New York, killing 270 people. Fast forward more than three decades. The Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Legacy Foundation was established by the founders of Families of Pan Am 103 Lockerbie to remember the victims, to ensure ongoing vigilance to enhance protection of flyers’ & victims’ rights and reveal the injustice by U.S. authorities for 3+ decades of delay to hold accountable or prosecute any attackers.
We aim to raise awareness and codify the history of the 1988 attack against America. We educate with historical timelines and a primary-source archive. We keep victims’ memories alive in our Living Memorial. We connect the PA103LL global community. We give voice to thousands of people whose lives were forever changed, using the Legacy Story Project. We celebrate Lockerbie, Scotland, and all who reminded the world that good endures.
© Derek Hudson / Getty Images
"Until the events of September 11, 2001, the bombing of Pan American Flight 103 was the single deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history and the specific event that propelled America into the age of modern global terrorism."
The Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Legacy Foundation aims to be a principal U.S. nonprofit institution dedicated to clarifying and documenting the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America. We are committed to exploring the event and its impact and to examining its relevance to contemporary society and the flying public. We honor the 270 victims with a perpetual Living Memorial. We bear witness and give voice to the thousands of people whose lives were forever changed with the Legacy Story Project. We educate with historical timelines and a primary-source archive. We connect the survivors and the global Pan Am 103 Lockerbie community.
Unless we unearth, preserve, and learn the difficult lessons of the terrorist attack against America that targeted Pan American Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, history will continue to repeat itself, as it did on September 11, 2001, and humanity will remain vulnerable to terrorism. Yet the worst in humanity can bring out the best in humanity. Celebrating those stories helps us understand, heal, and make lasting change. Good endures.
Give voice to your unique story about how the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America impacted your life. Preserve your memories and legacy by helping to create the most extensive curated digital library of personal Pan Am 103 Lockerbie stories for our Historical Archives.