The most comprehensive collection of victim color photographs and related stories, published to date, were unveiled to law enforcement in Syracuse, N.Y.
For the first time and nearly 35 years after the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan American flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, a collection of color victims photos, along with their corresponding biographies were given to Scottish and U.S. law enforcement, in advance of the pending trial of alleged bomb maker Mas’ud Al-Marimi, in Washington DC.
This collection of photographs, shown on six banners, represents the most comprehensive collection of victim photographs and stories published to date. Murdered were 270 people from 21 counties. At a glance, one can now put a face and story to 261 of the 270 victims and read biographies of 269 of the 270 killed.
The barbaric massacre of innocent men, women and children remains the second most deadly terrorist attack against the U.S., the deadliest terrorist attack on UK soil, and is considered among one of the worst atrocities in global history.
L-R: Victoria Cummock PA103LL, Paul Hudson PA103LL, Donna Hudson, Joaquin Da Silva PA103LL, Janice Muller PA103LL
The PA103LL Foundations’ victim banners now hang in Washington, D.C., on the walls in the of the U.S. Department of Justice Prosecution teams’ trial prep-evidence room, as an official victim’s impact statement and are of historic significance for the ongoing criminal proceedings, as well as for thousands of victims’ family members, friends, and colleagues globally.
A complete set of victims’ banners were also presented to the FBI, the Scottish Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal and Police Scotland, and are now on display at the Police Museum in Dumfries, Scotland. The banners take pride of place among the many other items dedicated to the Lockerbie Air Disaster and can be seen by serving police officers and members of the police alike.
L-R: Joaquin Da Silva PA103LL, Janice Muller PA103LL, Victoria Cummock PA103LL, Faye Cook Crown Office, Ruth Charteris Crown Office Solicitor General, Lindsey Miller Crown Office, Alice Bernard PA103LL, Lori Carnochan PA103LL
L-R: Paul Hudson PA103LL, Joaquin Da Silva PA103LL, Alice Bernard PA103LL, Janice Muller PA103LL, Victoria Cummock PA103LL, Malcolm Graham Deputy Chief Constable Police Scotland, Paul Grainger Police Scotland, Stuart Cossar Police Scotland, Lori Carnochan PA103LL
The 270 profiles allow visitors to see who the victims were and learn about how they lived. Virtual visitors can access online the Victims Gallery, the expansive Living Memorial victim profile pages, and at
The PA103LL Foundation's victim banners now hang near Lockerbie in the Tundergarth Remembrance Room.
Ultimately, this temporary banner display will be converted into a permanent exhibition, containing a gallery of 270 individual victims’ 8" x 10" color head shots, similar to the 911 Memorial Museum, once the Lockerbie Memorial Heritage Museum opens its doors in Scotland.
The commemorative and educational Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Legacy Foundation aspires to build upon all bodies of work by collecting, digitizing, and amplifying the voices to tell the complete Pan Am 103 Lockerbie story. We continue to strive to form partnerships toward becoming a comprehensive, inclusive, and authoritative resource of digital materials on the December 21, 1988, Lockerbie air disaster and terrorist attack against America.
Give voice to your unique story about how the December 21, 1988, terrorist attack against America impacted your life. Preserve your memories and legacy by helping to create the most extensive curated digital library of personal Pan Am 103 Lockerbie stories for our Historical Archives.